MoveIt Pro Behavior
Core Behaviors for MoveIt Pro
▼Nmoveit_studio | |
►Nbehavior | |
CLoggerBase | Base class to allow Behaviors to report messages with detailed explanations to MoveIt Studio UI |
CLoggerROS | A ROS-specialized implementation of LoggerBase that publishes the error message on a topic and logs it through an rclcpp Logger |
►Nbehaviors | |
CActivateControllers | Activate controllers, whose names are set by the "controller_names" parameter |
CAddSubframeToObject | Annotates an input GraspableObject with an input Pose and Pose ID |
CAddVirtualObjectToPlanningScene | Uses the service provided by the ApplyPlanningScene MoveGroup capability plugin to add a virtual collision object to the planning scene. A virtual collision object is only forbidden to collide with the robot |
CAppendOrientationConstraint | Appends an orientation constraint (based on the values specified in the input port's yaml file) to an existing constraints message |
CAveragePoseStamped | This Behavior calculates the running average of incoming Pose Stamped ROS messages |
CBiasedCoinFlip | Simulates flipping a biased coin with the specified probability of success provided via the input port |
CBreakpointSubscriber | A behavior that subscribes to a topic that can be used for pausing an objective during execution to allow introspection. This behavior will listen on the configured topic for a True/False message which will cause it to continue or abort from a breakpoint that is included in an objective |
CCalculatePoseOffset | Calculates the offset transform from source_pose to destination_pose. This can be used to measure the distance between two poses and returns the result relative to the source_pose |
CCallTriggerService | Call a service that accepts a std_srvs/srv/Trigger message. The name of the service is set through the "service_name" parameter |
CCreateGraspableObject | |
CCreateJointState | Create a sensor_msgs::msg::JointState and writes it to the Blackboard |
CCreateStampedPose | Create a geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped and writes it to the Blackboard |
CCreateStampedTwist | Create a geometry_msgs::msg::TwistStamped and writes it to the Blackboard |
CCreateStampedWrench | Create a geometry_msgs::msg::WrenchStamped and writes it to the Blackboard |
CCreateStationaryTrajectory | This behavior creates a stationary trajectory of specified duration at the provided JointState ROS message |
CDoTeleoperateAction | Starts teleoperation by sending a goal to the teleoperation action server in the web UI |
CEditWaypoint | Use the /edit_waypoints service to save the robot's current state as a new named waypoint or erase an existing waypoint. The name of the waypoint to save or delete is set through the "waypoint_name" behavior parameter. The operation to perform on the waypoint is set through the "waypoint_operation" behavior parameter, which must be set to either "save" or "erase" |
CExecuteFollowJointTrajectory | Accepts a JointTrajectory message via an input data port, and executes it by sending a goal to the specified FollowJointTrajectory action server |
CExecuteTrajectoryWithAdmittance | Accepts a JointTrajectory message via an input data port, and executes it by sending a goal to a Joint Trajectory With Admittance controller (JTAC) |
CExtractGraspableObjectPose | Changes an input GraspableObject into a PoseStamped by getting its pose and its ID |
CForceExceedsThreshold | Monitors wrench messages published to topic, and returns SUCCESS if the magnitude of the wrench measurements exceeds a force threshold for a minimum number of consecutive readings |
CGenerateCoveragePath | Creates a zig-zag path for a robot end-effector to follow, to cover a given area |
CGenerateObjectsInBox | |
CObjectWithDistance | Associates a GraspableObject with a distance metric |
CGetClosestObjectToPose | Given a collection of GraspableObjects, find the one that's closest to the provided pose |
CGetCurrentPlanningScene | Get the current planning scene state from the MoveIt PlanningSceneMonitor via service request |
CGetGraspAndTwistSubframes | Given an input PoseStamped representing a grasp pose selected on an object, get the three Subframes that define a Grasp Screw Motion (grab and twist about an axis) where the object is grabbed and rotated by grasp_rotation_z_radians amount |
CGetLatestTransform | Gets the latest transform from the robot model root to a frame specified as an input parameter to this behavior |
CGetMoveAlongArcSubframes | Given a PoseStamped for a grasp pose, and a vector of two PoseStampeds for the axis of the arc, calculates the subframes needed for motion along an arc. The arc radius is the distance between the grasp point and the arc (hinge) axis |
CGetParameterValueFromUser | This is a template class to get parameter values which are stored in a map in the Objective Server node. The map contains parameter overrides which are specified when creating the DoObjectiveSequence goal. Given a parameter name, send a service request to the Objective Server to retrieve user input value for the parameter named parameter_name |
CGetStringFromUser | Given a parameter name, send a service request to the Objective Server to retrieve user input value of type string for the parameter named parameter_name |
CGetRobotJointState | This behavior extracts a ROS sensor_msgs/JointState message from a a planning scene object |
CInitializeMotionConstraints | Creates a shared pointer to a new moveit_msgs::msg::Constraints and writes it to the Blackboard |
CIsConstraintSatisfied | Check if the robot's current state satisfies a visibility kinematic constraint relative to an object |
CIsUserAvailable | Checks for the presence of a user interface by checking if the /trajectory_bridge ROS node exists |
CLoadObjectiveParameters | Loads the configuration parameters for a given objective. The configuration file name is given as an input port parameters to this behavior. The parameters are loaded once per objective execution. To reload the parameter from the file, just execute the objective again |
CLogMessage | Logs a user specified message via the LoggerROS class. ROS 2 log severity of message specified by log_level |
CModifyObjectInPlanningScene | Uses the service provided by the ApplyPlanningScene MoveGroup capability plugin to add a collision object representing a GraspableObject to the planning scene |
CMoveGripperAction | Actuate a gripper through its driver node's GripperCommand action. Given the name of the action topic and a target gripper position, move the gripper to the specified position |
CPlanCartesianPath | Given a Cartesian-space path, plan a joint-space trajectory to move the robot tip along the path |
CPlanToJointGoal | Given a joint-space goal, plan a joint-space trajectory to reach the goal |
CPublishEmpty | Publish a std_msgs::msg::Empty message to a topic |
CPublishStaticFrame | Publishes a static transform into the tf2 buffer |
CPublishString | Publish a std_msgs::msg::String message to a topic |
CPublishVelocityForceCommand | Publishes a static transform into the tf2 buffer |
CReadTextFileAsString | Read the contents of a text file and output the contents as a std::string |
CCoreBehaviorsLoader | |
CRemoveCollisionObjectFromPlanningScene | Uses the service provided by the ApplyPlanningScene MoveGroup capability plugin to remove a collision object from the planning scene. The CollisionObject that has an ID that matches object_id has its operation field set to REMOVE. If there is no CollisionObject with object_id, the behavior returns an error |
CResetPlanningSceneObjects | Uses the service provided by the ApplyPlanningScene MoveGroup capability plugin to remove all objects which were added to the planning scene, including objects that are attached to the robot |
CRetrieveWaypoint | Given a named waypoint, sends a service request to the Agent WaypointManager to retrieve the joint state associated with that waypoint |
CSaveCurrentState | Use the /get_planning_scene service from move_group to save the robot's current state |
CSetAdmittanceParameters | Sets admittance parameters to be used in the 'ExecuteTrajectoryWithAdmittance' Behavior |
CSolveIKQueries | |
CStopwatchBegin | Saves the current epoch time as a timepoint to a data port |
CStopwatchEnd | Measure the difference between an input timepoint and the current timepoint, and emit a log message which states the time elapsed |
CTransformPose | Transforms a stamped pose given an input translation and orientation |
CTransformPoseFrame | Transforms the reference frame of an input stamped pose to the frame specified by a frame ID, along with the position/orientation transformation that entails |
CTransformPoseFromYaml | Transforms a stamped pose given an input yaml file that contains the translation and orientation that should be applied to the input. NOTE: The pose_parameters port is normally provided by a LoadObjectiveParameter Behavior |
CTransformPoseWithPose | Transforms an input stamped pose with the transform specified by another stamped pose |
CAdjustPoseWithIMarker | Requests a user to manually adjust a collection of poses using interactive markers in the UI |
CGetPointsFromUser | Requests a set of named points from the user by switching the view and displaying a sequence of prompts in the UI |
CGetTextFromUser | Gets text from user by sending a list of prompts with default values for each prompt |
CRetrieveJointStateParameter | Retrieves a joint state from the MoveIt Pro parameter manager node |
CRetrievePoseParameter | Retrieves a stamped pose from the MoveIt Pro parameter manager node |
CSwitchUIPrimaryView | Switches the primary view in the MoveIt Studio Developer Tool |
CValidateTrajectory | Checks if a joint trajectory is valid, given a PlanningScene |
CWaitForDuration | Wait for a specified duration before succeeding |
CWriteCalibratedPoseToYaml | Write pose (x,y,z, roll, pitch, yaw) to YAML file. This behavior is meant to be called after the Calibrate Pose Action. TODO: Make this behavior more generic. Note: The behavior saves the calibrated_pose into the ~/.config/moveit_pro/calibration folder |
CExecuteMTCTask | Takes an MTC Solution message via an input data port, and executes the lowest-cost trajectory in that Solution using the MTC ExecuteTaskSolution MoveGroup capability's /execute_task_solution action server |
CInitializeMTCTask | Creates a shared pointer to a new MTC Task object, populates it with global settings (for example, the names of controllers to enable by default when executing trajectories planned by this Task), and sets it as an output data port |
CPlanMTCTask | Takes a shared pointer to an existing MTC Task object via an input data port, plans the Task, and sets the solution with the lowest overall cost as an output data port. A service client sends over all the solutions to the MTC Solution Manager node which can be used for debugging |
CPushToSolutionQueue | Push a new MTC solution to the solution queue |
CMTCCoreBehaviorsLoader | |
CSplitMTCSolution | Given an MTC Solution message and an index, create two new MTC Solution messages by splitting the subtrajectories of the input Solution at the specified index. Outputs the new Solutions onto output data ports |
CWaitAndPopSolutionQueue | Pops the MTC solution queue to get the next solution to be processed |
CWaitForUserTrajectoryApproval | Takes an MTC Solution message via an input data port, and publishes it to the /preview_solution topic. Creates a SetBool service server on the /execute_behavior_solution topic and waits to receive a request containing data: true before succeeding |
CMTCTaskSetupBehaviorsLoader | |
CSetupMTCApproachGrasp | Given an existing MTC Task object and a target object, appends MTC stages to describe a motion plan to approach the object |
CSetupMTCAttachOrDetachObject | This is the base class for SetupMTCAttachObject and SetupMTCDetachObject |
CSetupMTCAttachObject | Add an MTC Stage to an MTC Task that attaches an object to the named robot frame |
CSetupMTCDetachObject | Add an MTC Stage to an MTC Task that detaches an object from the named robot frame |
CSetupMTCCartesianMoveToJointState | Given an existing MTC Task object and a joint state, appends MTC stages to describe a cartesian motion plan to that joint state |
CSetupMTCCartesianSequence | Given an existing MTC Task object and a sequence of target poses, appends MTC stages to plan a sequence of cartesian motions between the poses |
CSetupMTCConnectWithTrajectory | Append a MTC stage to connect the end state of the previous stage with the start state of the next stage using a freespace trajectory |
CSetupMTCCurrentState | Given an existing MTC Task object, appends an MTC CurrentState Stage to the Task |
CSetupMTCFixedJointState | Given an existing MTC Task object, appends an MTC FixedState Stage to the Task |
CSetupMTCFromSolution | Given an existing MTC Task object, appends an MTC Stage to the Task that initializes it with the final planning scene of a given solution |
CSetupMTCGenerateCuboidGrasps | Given an existing MTC Task object and a target object, appends MTC stages to generate cuboid grasp poses |
CSetupMTCGenerateVacuumGrasps | Given an existing MTC Task object and a target object, appends MTC stages to generate vacuum grasp poses on its planar surfaces |
CSetupMTCGraspAndTwistThenMoveAlongArcPush | Configures MTC stages to grasp a location, rotate the end-effector about an axis to turn the grasp point (for example a handle), and then push the end-effector away from the robot base while still grasping (for example to open a door) |
CSetupMTCGraspThenMoveAlongArcPull | Configures MTC stages to perform a motion that can be parameterized as a grasp followed by a pulling motion in a screw-trajectory (a circular arc). Examples in practice include opening pull doors and drawers |
CSetupMTCIgnoreCollisionsBetweenObjects | Given an MTC Task, append an MTC Stage that modifies the planning scene's Allowed Collision Matrix to permit or forbid collision between a set of objects while planning subsequent Stages |
CSetupMTCInterpolateToJointState | Given an existing MTC Task object and a joint state, appends MTC stages to describe a joint-interpolated motion plan to that joint state |
CSetupMTCMoveAlongFrameAxis | Given an existing MTC Task object, append a MTC MoveRelative stage to perform a cartesian motion along an axis |
CSetupMTCMoveToJointState | Given an existing MTC Task object and a joint state, appends MTC stages to describe a freespace motion plan to that joint state |
CSetupMTCMoveToNamedState | Given an existing MTC Task object and the name of a known state, appends MTC stages to describe a freespace motion plan to that state |
CSetupMTCMoveToPose | Given an existing MTC Task object and a target pose, appends MTC stages to describe a freespace motion plan to that target pose |
CSetupMTCPickObject | Given an existing MTC Task object and a target grasp pose, appends MTC stages to describe a motion plan to approach, grasp and lift an object at that pose |
CSetupMTCRetractFromGrasp | Given an existing MTC Task object and a target object, appends MTC stages to describe a motion plan to retract after grasping the object |
CSetupMTCUpdateGroupCollisionRule | Given an MTC Task, append an MTC Stage that modifies the planning scene's Allowed Collision Matrix to permit or forbid collision between a planning scene object and the links of a named robot planning group while planning subsequent Stages |
CSetupMTCUpdateObjectCollisionRule | Add an MTC Stage to an MTC Task that makes following stages either allow or prohibit collision between a GraspableObject and another entity. The other entity can be either a named collision object in the planning scene or the links of a named robot planning group |
CNavigateThroughPosesAction | Calls an action server that uses nav2_msgs::action::NavigateThroughPoses and outputs feedback The NavigateThroughPoses action (ROS 2 Humble) does not produce a result |
CNavigateToPoseAction | Calls an action server that uses nav2_msgs::action::NavigateToPose and outputs feedback The NavigateToPose action (ROS 2 Humble) does not produce a result |
CNavBehaviorsLoader | |
CGetMeshNormalPoses | Gets the normal vectors for a given mesh and returns the normal vector poses to the caller |
CServoBehaviorsLoader | |
CServoTowardsPose | Move the tip at a velocity in closed loop towards a Cartesian target_pose , using Servo |
CTeleoperateBase | This is a special Behavior to enable manual teleoperation using MoveIt Servo through the Objective Server |
CTeleoperateJointJog | Specialization of TeleoperateBase for joint jog commands |
CTeleoperateTwist | Specialization of TeleoperateBase for Cartesian twist commands |
CAddPointCloudToVector | Appends a point cloud to a vector of point clouds |
CCalibratePoseAction | Calls a robot_calibration_msgs::action::CalibratePose action server and outputs the results on the calibrated_poses port. NOTE: For now this behavior only supports sending a single frame for calibration |
CShapeCompletionAction | Calls an action server that uses moveit_studio_vision_msgs::action::ShapeCompletion interface and outputs the completed pointcloud given a partial or occluded pointcloud |
CCheckCuboidSimilarity | Check if two GraspableObjects are similar within some tolerance |
CClearSnapshot | Sends a request to clear the existing Octomap and Pointcloud snapshots |
CCropPointsInBox | Given a point cloud and a box-shaped region of interest, create a new point cloud which contains only the points that are inside the region of interest. The dimensions and size of the region of interest are defined relative to its centroid |
CCropPointsInSphere | Given a point cloud and a sphere-shaped region of interest, create a new point cloud which contains only the points that are inside the region of interest. The dimensions and size of the region of interest are defined relative to its centroid |
CDetectAprilTags | Detects AprilTag markers from an image |
CFindMaskedObjects | Finds objects by segmenting a point cloud using a set of 2D mask images |
CFindSingularCuboids | Finds well-singulated cuboids supported by a surface within a point cloud |
CFitLineSegmentToMask3D | Finds the line segment that best fits a point cloud fragment |
CGetCameraInfo | Capture camera information. The name of the topic containing the camera information is set through the "topic_name" parameter, and the resulting information is available on the "message_out" output port |
CGetDetectionPose | Gets the stamped pose of an object detection given a label or ID, if one exists |
CGetDoorHandlePose | This class represents a behavior that can calculate the pose of a door lever handle along with its depth and length. The convention is that the Z-axis of the pose represents the axis of rotation of the handle. The X-axis points along the handle and points toward the door hinge |
CGetGraspableObjectsFromMasks3D | Finds objects in point cloud segments represented by 3D masks |
CGetImage | Capture an image. The name of the topic containing the image is set through the "topic_name" parameter, and the resulting image is available on the "message_out" output port |
CGetMasks2DAction | Calls an action server that uses moveit_studio_vision_msgs::action::GetMasks2D interface and outputs the results on the masks2d port |
CGetMasks3DFromMasks2D | Backprojects a number of image masks onto a point cloud with a camera model |
CGetPointCloud | Capture a point cloud. The name of the topic containing the point cloud is set through the "topic_name" parameter, and the resulting point cloud is available on the "message_out" output port |
CGetPointCloudFromMask3D | Gets the fragment of a point cloud for a 3D mask |
CGetPoseFromPixelCoords | Given an ordered point cloud and normalized pixel XY coordinates, outputs a stamped pose corresponding to a point normal to the selected coordinates |
CGetSyncedImageAndPointCloud | Get data from time-synchronized image and point cloud topics and populate them in output ports |
CGetSyncedImages | Get data from time-synchronized image topics and populate them in output ports |
CLoadImageFromFile | Loads an image from a file and writes it to an output data port |
CLoadPointCloudFromFile | Loads a point cloud from a .pcd or .stl file, optionally recolors it, and writes it to an output data port |
CMergePointClouds | Merges a number of input point clouds into a single one |
CPublishPointCloud | Publish a point cloud |
CRegisterPointClouds | Registers a target point cloud to a base point cloud and outputs the pose of the target point cloud relative to the origin of the base point cloud which aligns the target cloud with the base cloud |
CVisionBehaviorsLoader | |
CSaveImageToFile | Save an image to disk as a .png file. The filename will follow the syntax of file_prefix_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS.png |
CSavePointCloudToFile | Save a point cloud .pcd file to disk. The filename will follow the syntax of file_prefix_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS.pcd |
CSendPointCloudToUI | Crop and filter a point cloud using MoveIt's sensor configuration, then publish it to a topic monitored by the UI |
CTransformPointCloud | Transforms a point cloud given an input pose in the same frame as the point cloud |
CTransformPointCloudFrame | Transforms a point cloud to a target coordinate frame |
CUpdatePlanningSceneService | Uses the service advertised by the PointCloudServiceOctomapUpdater plugin to apply a point cloud to the planning scene collision octomap and wait until the update has been applied |
CPublishMarkers | Publishes a set of markers to the UI for visualization |
CVisualizeMesh | Publishes a marker that contains a mesh path to the UI for visualization |
CVisualizePath | Publishes a marker array that contains a polyline representing a path |
CVisualizePose | Publishes a visualization marker that contains three lines composing a coordinate frame |
►CActionClientBehaviorBase | A base class for behaviors which need to send a goal to a ROS action client and wait for a result. If the behavior is halted before the action result is received, the action goal will be canceled |
CClientInterfaceBase | Provides an interface to an action client that can handle a single goal at a time |
CRclcppClientInterface | Implements ClientInterfaceBase for the rclcpp action client |
CAddToVector | Pushes an object into a vector and sets the updated vector to the blackboard |
CAsyncBehaviorBase | A base class for behaviors which need to asynchronously run a function that might take a long time to complete |
CBehaviorContext | The BehaviorContext struct contains shared resources that are common between all instances of Behaviors that inherit from moveit_studio::behaviors::SharedResourcesNode |
CClockInterfaceBase | A base class which provides an interface for retrieving timepoints from a monotonic clock |
CSteadyClockInterface | Implementation of ClockInterfaceBase for std::chrono::steady_clock |
CForEach | A class template for creating a behavior tree decorator node to help iterate through a vector of items |
►CGetMessageFromTopicBehaviorBase | Base class for Behaviors that get the latest message from a topic specified on an input data port and set that message to an output data port |
CRclcppSubscriberInterface | Implementation of the subscriber interface for a rclcpp subscription |
CSubscriberInterfaceBase | Defines an interface to a subscriber that blocks while waiting for a message to be received on a topic |
CLoadMultipleFromYaml | Loads types from a YAML file, and returns them as a vector in an output port |
CLoadFromYaml | Loads a type from a YAML file, and returns it in an output port |
CPublisherInterfaceBase | Defines an interface to a publisher that sends a message to a topic |
CRclcppPublisherInterface | Implementation of the publisher interface for a rclcpp publisher |
CResetVector | Create an empty vector and set it to the blackboard |
CSaveToYaml | Save the contents of a ROS 2 message type to a YAML file in a specified namespace. Note: This Behavior template saves the pose into the ~/.config/moveit_pro/robot_config/objectives folder |
CSendMessageToTopicBehaviorBase | Base class for Behaviors that send a message to a topic. The message contents and topic name are specified as input ports |
CServiceClientBehaviorBase | A base class for behaviors which need to send a request to a ROS service client and wait for a result |
CClientInterfaceBase | Provides an interface to a service client that can send a single request at a time. WARNING - This class currently does not support calling syncSendRequest function asynchronously from multiple threads |
CRclcppClientInterface | Implements ClientInterfaceBase for the rclcpp service client |
CSharedResourcesNode | The SharedResourcesNode class provides a BehaviorContext object when constructing a BehaviorTree.Cpp node |
CSharedResourcesNodeLoaderBase | Base class for Behavior loader plugins that register Behaviors inheriting from SharedResourcesNode |
►Ntest_utils | |
CWithBehaviorWithoutContext | Adds testing capabilities of Behaviors without context to any test fixture |
CWithBehavior | Adds testing capabilities of Behaviors with context to any test fixture |
CWithActionBehavior | |
CWrongBehaviorPortsException | Exception thrown by Behavior testing classes when the Behavior does not define exactly the expected ports |
▼NYAML | |
Cconvert< OrientationConstraintParams > | Utility to decode YAML node as an OrientationConstraintParams struct |
Cconvert< AdmittanceControllerParams > | Utility to decode YAML node as an AdmittanceControllerParams struct |
CAdmittanceControllerParams | Struct representing admittance controller parameters |
COrientationConstraintParams | Struct representing orientation constraint params |