Starts teleoperation by sending a goal to the teleoperation action server in the web UI.
| DoTeleoperateAction (const std::string &name, const BT::NodeConfiguration &config, const std::shared_ptr< BehaviorContext > &shared_resources) |
| Constructor for DoTeleoperateAction behavior.
| DoTeleoperateAction (const std::string &name, const BT::NodeConfiguration &config, const std::shared_ptr< BehaviorContext > &shared_resources, std::unique_ptr< ClientInterfaceBase > client_interface) |
| Overload for constructor which allows providing an alternate action client interface. Useful for unit testing, but not a requirement.
| ActionClientBehaviorBase (const std::string &name, const BT::NodeConfiguration &config, const std::shared_ptr< BehaviorContext > &shared_resources) |
| Constructs ActionClientBehaviorBase using the RclcppClientInterface.
| ActionClientBehaviorBase (const std::string &name, const BT::NodeConfiguration &config, const std::shared_ptr< BehaviorContext > &shared_resources, std::unique_ptr< ClientInterfaceBase > client_interface) |
| Constructs ActionClientBehaviorBase using a user-provided implementation of ClientInterfaceBase.
virtual | ~ActionClientBehaviorBase ()=default |
| AsyncBehaviorBase (const std::string &name, const BT::NodeConfiguration &config, const std::shared_ptr< BehaviorContext > &shared_resources) |
virtual | ~AsyncBehaviorBase ()=default |
BT::NodeStatus | onStart () override |
| Required implementation of BT::StatefulActionNode::onStart().
BT::NodeStatus | onRunning () override |
| Required implementation of BT::StatefulActionNode::onRunning().
void | onHalted () override |
| Required implementation of BT::StatefulActionNode::onHalted().
void | resetStatus () |
| Resets the internal status of this node.
| SharedResourcesNode (const std::string &name, const BT::NodeConfiguration &config, const std::shared_ptr< BehaviorContext > &shared_resources) |
| Constructor for SharedResourcesNode. Called by BT::BehaviorTreeFactory when creating a new behavior tree containing this node.
using | ClientGoalHandle = rclcpp_action::ClientGoalHandle< DoTeleoperate > |
virtual tl::expected< bool, std::string > | processResult (const std::shared_ptr< typename ActionT::Result >) |
| Optional user-provided function to process the action result after the action has finished.
virtual void | processFeedback (const std::shared_ptr< const typename ActionT::Feedback >) |
| Optional user-provided function to process feedback sent by the action server.
virtual std::string | getAbortedMessage (const std::shared_ptr< const typename ActionT::Result >) const |
| Optional user-provided function to retrieve and surface an error message from an aborted action server result.
void | notifyCanHalt () |
| Called when runAsync() finishes to notify onHalted() that the async process has finished.
std::shared_ptr< BehaviorContext > | shared_resources_ |
Starts teleoperation by sending a goal to the teleoperation action server in the web UI.
This goal contains configuration options for enabling user interactions and prompts, as well as setting the initial teleoperation mode for the UI to appear in. While the initial and current teleoperation modes are specified as integer values, these values correspond to the enumerations in the moveit_studio_sdk_msgs::msg::TeleoperationMode ROS message.
Data Port Name | Port Type | Object Type |
enable_user_interaction | input | bool |
user_interaction_prompt | input | std::string |
initial_teleop_mode | input | int |
current_teleop_mode | output | int |