MoveIt Pro Behavior
Core Behaviors for MoveIt Pro
moveit_studio::behaviors::PublisherInterfaceBase< MessageT > Class Template Referenceabstract

Defines an interface to a publisher that sends a message to a topic. More...

#include <publisher_interface.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for moveit_studio::behaviors::PublisherInterfaceBase< MessageT >:

Public Member Functions

virtual ~PublisherInterfaceBase ()=default
virtual tl::expected< void, std::string > initialize (const std::string &topic_name, const size_t queue_size, const bool use_best_effort)=0
 Virtual function to initialize the publisher interface. More...
virtual tl::expected< void, std::string > publish (const MessageT &message)=0
 Virtual function to publish a message to a topic. More...

Detailed Description

template<typename MessageT>
class moveit_studio::behaviors::PublisherInterfaceBase< MessageT >

Defines an interface to a publisher that sends a message to a topic.

Template Parameters
MessageTMessage type used to specialize this class.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ~PublisherInterfaceBase()

template<typename MessageT >
virtual moveit_studio::behaviors::PublisherInterfaceBase< MessageT >::~PublisherInterfaceBase ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ initialize()

template<typename MessageT >
virtual tl::expected<void, std::string> moveit_studio::behaviors::PublisherInterfaceBase< MessageT >::initialize ( const std::string &  topic_name,
const size_t  queue_size,
const bool  use_best_effort 
pure virtual

Virtual function to initialize the publisher interface.

topic_nameName of the topic to use in the publisher interface.
queue_sizeThe queue size for the publisher interface.
use_best_effortWhether best_effort should be used or not for the publisher interface.
Void if the publisher interface was initialized successfully. If initialization failed, an error message string is returned.

Implemented in moveit_studio::behaviors::RclcppPublisherInterface< MessageT >.

◆ publish()

template<typename MessageT >
virtual tl::expected<void, std::string> moveit_studio::behaviors::PublisherInterfaceBase< MessageT >::publish ( const MessageT &  message)
pure virtual

Virtual function to publish a message to a topic.

messageThe message to publish.
Void if the publisher sent the message successfully. If message publishing failed, an error message string is returned.

Implemented in moveit_studio::behaviors::RclcppPublisherInterface< MessageT >.

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