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· 3 min read

Changes in This Release

  • New and modified perception Behaviors:
    • RegisterPointClouds - Finds the pose of a target point cloud relative to another point cloud using the Iterative Closest Point (ICP) algorithm.
      • GetGraspableObjectsFromMasks3D - Outputs a GraspableObject for each point cloud fragment represented by a 3D mask.
      • LoadPointCloudFromFile - Now supports loading point clouds in either .pcd or .stl formats.
  • New MoveIt Task Constructor Behaviors and Functionality:
    • SetupMTCAttachObject and SetupMTCDetachObject - Can be used to attach or detach a GraspableObject from the planning scene to a robot frame.
      • SetupMTCUpdateObjectCollisionRule - Enables adjusting collision rules between GraspableObjects and other entities in the planning scene.
      • Add additional logging for error states when initializing MTC tasks.
      • Better error handling for misconfigured planning groups in MTC Behaviors.
  • Improvements to Cartesian Path Planning:
    • Additional information on Path IK failures will be logged to the MoveIt Studio console.
      • PlanCartesianPath and ValidateTrajectory - Will always return a complete or partial debug solution for use in trajectory previews.
      • Refer to the Cartesian Path Following tutorial for additional information.
  • Updates to Manual Control and teleoperation:
    • Pulled in additional fixes and upgrades for MoveIt Servo that may require updates to configuration packages.
      • Added support for switching planning groups when Teleoperating.
  • New user guides for connecting MoveIt Studio to hardware:
  • Removed some hardware drivers from core MoveIt Studio binary images.
  • Removed experiemental TAMP Behaviors previously added in 2.8.0.
    • Please contact us if you require access to Behaviors such as GetPlanUsingTAMP or CreateBehaviorTreeFromTaskPlan.
  • UI Updates:
    • Tweaked color schemes for W3C compliance for color-blindness.
      • Adjusted Joint Sliders in the Manual Control tab to support prismatic joints.
      • Port descriptions for Behaviors are now shown in the Objective Editor's sidebar.
      • Added navigation between the Behavior Tree status window directly to the Objective Editor.
      • General improvements for nested subtrees.


· One min read
  • Fix issues with collision checking in manual control.


· One min read
  • Upgrade to newer versions of MoveIt Task Constructor and MoveIt2.
  • New motion planning Behaviors:
    • PlanCartesianPath, ValidateTrajectory and ExecuteFollowJointTrajectory - Behaviors to compute, validate, and execute Cartesian trajectories.
      • SaveJointTrajectoryFromYaml and LoadJointTrajectoryFromYaml - Saves/Loads joint trajectories from/to the blackboard in yaml format.
      • GetAffordancePoses - Returns a vector of affordance stamped poses relative to a graspable object's reference frame.
  • Cartesian Path Following tutorial updated for new Behaviors.
  • New perception Behaviors:
    • GetMasks3DFromMasks2D - Given a point cloud of a scene and 2D masks from an image of the scene, output a point cloud mask for each image mask.
      • GetPointCloudFromMask3D - Returns a point cloud with the points selected by a 3D mask.
      • ForEachMask2D and ForEachMask3D - Iterates through a vector of image or point cloud masks.
  • UI Updates:
    • Ability to visualize SPHERE and LINE_LIST Rviz Marker primitives.
      • Show previews of robot waypoint poses.
      • Ability to specify planning group from IMarker.
      • Add ability to edit node name.
      • Print message when writing pose yaml to file.
      • Improve user experience when editing and including subtrees.


· One min read
  • Fix crashing issues for teleoperation when MoveIt Servo is misconfigured.
  • Remove unused dependencies from the MoveIt Studio containers.


· One min read
  • Fix startup problems that may prevent MoveIt Studio from launching on some machines.
  • Add troubleshooting steps for when conflicting applications are holding onto port 80.


· 3 min read

Changes in This Release

  • Ability to teach pose offsets from AprilTags using the UI.
    • Added several new Behaviors to support this workflow.
      • (Experimental) AveragePoseStamped -- Averages estimated AprilTag poses to mitigate detection noise and stabilize results.
      • CalculatePoseOffset - Calculates the offset transform from a source pose to a destination pose, relative to the source pose's coordinate frame.
      • WritePoseToYAML - Writes a pose to a YAML file.
      • TransformPoseFromYaml - Transforms a pose using another pose contained in a YAML file.
      • Pick AprilTag Labeled Object tutorial updated to reflect this new feature.
  • Upgraded to latest version of MoveIt Servo.
    • Separated Teleoperate Behavior and Objective into Teleoperate Joint Jog and Teleoperate Twist.
  • New motion planning Behaviors:
    • AddCartesianPoseToSequence and SetupMTCCartesianSequence - Enables setting up a sequence of poses and planning through those poses.
      • CreateJointState - Create a valid joint state for your robot given joint names and position values.
      • MoveToJointState - Moves to a specified input joint state provided.
      • SetupMTCFromSolution - Provides an alternative to SetupMTCCurrentState to initialize a MoveIt Task Constructor (MTC) task from the final state of a previously computed solution.
  • New perception Behaviors:
    • LoadImageFromFile - Loads an image from a file as a ROS Image message.
      • GetSynchronizedCameraTopics - Retrieves time synchronized RGB image, point cloud, and camera intrinsics data from ROS topics.
      • FindMaskedObjects - Segments a point cloud given image segmentation masks and returns graspable object representations.
      • CropPointsInBox - Segments a point cloud given a rectangular region of interest (ROI).
  • New experimental Behaviors for Task and Motion Planning (TAMP):
    • GetPlanUsingTAMP - Requests a plan from a ROS 2 Planning System (PlanSys2) planning server.
      • CreateBehaviorTreeFromTaskPlan - Builds an Objective given a task plan and a mapping between task actions and Subtrees.
  • IsForceWithinThreshold Behavior refactored to be reusable in loops by reinitializing its running counters.
  • Switch default inverse kinematics (IK) solver in UR example configuration to TRAC-IK.
  • UI updates:
    • Create input and output port remappings for Subtrees.
      • Toggle log levels for controlling the amount information displayed on the screen.
      • "Convert to Subtree" menu options moved into context menus.


· 2 min read

Changes in This Release

  • Simplified installation process by significantly reducing number of prompts in favor of default values.
  • Added configuration variable to toggle whether MoveIt Studio should use a host-mounted DDS configuration file.
  • Behaviors
    • Renamed MoveToJointState Behavior to MoveToWaypoint, as it accepts a Waypoint name as input.
      • New BiasedCoinFlip Behavior to simulate probability of success for testing purposes.
      • New GetMasks2DAction Behavior that sends images to a ROS action server using this GetMasks2D interface for segmentation tasks.
      • Reduce transform lookup errors in FindSingularCuboids Behavior.
  • UI updates
    • Added support for Condition nodes in Behavior Tree editor.
      • Expanding a collapsed Behavior Tree node performs automatic layout only on the expanded nodes.


· 2 min read

Changes in This Release

  • Added automated monitoring and restart capabilities to MoveIt Studio backend services.
    • Consolidates the Agent and Bridge processes into a single deployable service.
      • For users building in custom Docker overlays, this will require changes to your compose file.
  • Additional improvements for the parallel planning pipeline.
  • Added new MoveIt Studio SDK for external consumption.
    • Enables users to interact with MoveIt Studio Objectives using a simple Python interface.
  • Initial support for setting constraints on generated MTC motion plans
    • New Behaviors include InitializeMotionConstraints and AppendOrientationConstraint.
      • Includes a user interface for building orientation constraints.
  • Updated developer tooling for building on MoveIt Studio binary Docker images. For more information refer to the Docker Developer Guide.
  • Documentation and support for launching multiple cameras on different machines added in the Hardware Setup Guide.
  • Initial support for grasping with an EPick Vacuum gripper.
    • Added a new Behavior SetupMTCGenerateVacuumGrasps, for generating vacuum grasp poses with MTC.
  • Updates to Universal Robots example workspace
    • Added a pinch link to prevent UR arms from planning or moving through dangerous pinch poses.
      • New sample contstrained planning Objective Constrained Pick and Place added in the picknik_ur_mock_hw_config configuration package.
  • UI updates
    • New unified interface for manual control.
      • Additional logging when starting, stopping, and completing Objectives.
      • Improved functionality when expanding/collapsing Behavior Trees, including state saving in the Objective Editor.
      • General improvements and fixes to the admittance controller tuning utility.
      • Added search capabilities to the Behaviors sidebar in the Objective Editor.
      • Added shortcuts for opening the Objective Editor from the execution panel.


· One min read
  • Fix issues with rendering custom end effectors when previewing grasp poses.


· One min read
  • Fix issues mounting host directories for some shell environments.
  • Minor documentation content updates and formatting fixes.