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· 4 min read

Major Features

Suggested Behaviors

When editing a behavior tree in the Build tab, the left-hand sidebar will suggest a handful of useful Behaviors that may be relevant to your current Objective.

Attached Collision Object Visualization

The MoveIt Pro UI has been updated to support visualizing AttachedCollisionObjects in the Planning Scene. Additionally, the rendering of the Planning Scene has been made generally more robust to allow more complex modifications to the scene from any behavior or external application.

Message assembler and disassembler behaviors

A new behavior plugin named moveit_studio::behaviors::ConverterBehaviorsLoader has been added. Adding the plugin to a site config allows for the creation of ROS messages on the blackboard using ports of the new behaviors. Additionally, the new behavior can unpack individual components of ROS messages to blackboard variables.

Other changes

New Behaviors

  • A Behavior that adds a Virtual Collision Object to the Planning Scene has been added to MoveIt Pro. A Virtual Collision Object is a Collision Object that does not exist in the actual world, but inside of the robots representation of the environment. This Behavior can be used to indicate areas where the robot should not plan into.
  • A Behavior that removes Collision Objects from the Planning Scene has been added to MoveIt Pro.

Behavior Changes

  • Updated the LoadPointcloudFromFile Behavior to make point cloud color an optional input.
  • Added a marker_name port to the VisualizePose Behavior.
  • Changed the SaveToYAML Transform port to now accept a TransformStamped message.
  • Added an optional link_padding port to the PlanToJointGoal behavior that is used by the Pro RRT planner. The padding applies only to robot links and will be used for self-collisions and for collisions with the environment.

UI Changes

  • Renamed “Objective Builder” and “Objectives” tabs to “Build” and “Run”, respectively
  • Added support for .obj files in visualized URDFs
  • Various text clarity and visual improvements

Documentation Improvements

  • Added guide on how to use the Velocity Force Controller.
  • Improved the guide on how to convert a URDF to a MJCF.
  • Added a guide for running MoveIt Pro without access to the internet.
  • Updated the MoveIt Pro Terms & Conditions.
  • Improved setup and upgrade documentation.

Other Improvements

  • The moveit_pro_controller_msgs package has been moved to the MoveIt Pro SDK to allow you to directly integrate with the Pro controllers from your configuration package (or any ROS application).
  • Available configuration packages listed during initial setup are now alphabetized.
  • Removed configuration prompt for a ROS_DOMAIN_ID from the initial setup process.
    • Our MoveIt Pro generated DDS configuration files do not use DDS multicast, so specifying a ROS_DOMAIN_ID is unnecessary. Providing your own DDS configuration file that uses ROS_DOMAIN_ID or multicast is still supported.
  • Updated the underlying versions of Ubuntu, ROS 2, and MoveIt 2 in Pro.
  • Made the moveit_pro test verb more robust to incomplete Pro configurations.
  • The underlying MuJoCo physics engine has been updated to now allow specifying initial joint positions.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug where cameras in the MuJoCo physics engine were not applying the desired resolution correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where the license prompt in initial setup logged additional unnecessary error text.
  • Fixed a bug where offline licensing could crash the user interface.
  • Fixed an issue where the initial layout of the behavior tree in the builder and status windows could be incorrect.
  • Fixed an issue where published Markers could cause video streaming in the UI to halt unexpectedly.
  • Fixed an issue where published Markers with no name would show up blank in the marker show/hide list in the UI.
  • Fixed a bug where only particular Docker containers within MoveIt Pro were allowed to use X11.
  • Fixed an issue where favorited “subtree-only” behavior trees would still show up in the Favorites bar on the Run tab.
  • Fixed a number of issues with the “waypoint_name” dropdown in behaviors that utilize waypoints.
  • Removed moveit_pro reset, which was erroneously still present in the CLI despite no longer being necessary.
  • Other minor fixes.