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· One min read
  • Upgrade to newer versions of MoveIt Task Constructor and MoveIt2.
  • New motion planning Behaviors:
    • PlanCartesianPath, ValidateTrajectory and ExecuteFollowJointTrajectory - Behaviors to compute, validate, and execute Cartesian trajectories.
      • SaveJointTrajectoryFromYaml and LoadJointTrajectoryFromYaml - Saves/Loads joint trajectories from/to the blackboard in yaml format.
      • GetAffordancePoses - Returns a vector of affordance stamped poses relative to a graspable object's reference frame.
  • Cartesian Path Following tutorial updated for new Behaviors.
  • New perception Behaviors:
    • GetMasks3DFromMasks2D - Given a point cloud of a scene and 2D masks from an image of the scene, output a point cloud mask for each image mask.
      • GetPointCloudFromMask3D - Returns a point cloud with the points selected by a 3D mask.
      • ForEachMask2D and ForEachMask3D - Iterates through a vector of image or point cloud masks.
  • UI Updates:
    • Ability to visualize SPHERE and LINE_LIST Rviz Marker primitives.
      • Show previews of robot waypoint poses.
      • Ability to specify planning group from IMarker.
      • Add ability to edit node name.
      • Print message when writing pose yaml to file.
      • Improve user experience when editing and including subtrees.