Migration to 2.7.0

Simplified Installation Process

The installation process for version 2.7.0 reduces the number of user prompts in favor of default values. This means that, in the majority of cases, you can get started more quickly with MoveIt Studio.

To change your MoveIt Studio configuration, you can still go to your MoveIt Studio installation folder (typically ${HOME}/moveit_studio) and either:

  • Use the ./moveit_studio configure utility and follow the prompts.
  • Make manual modifications to the .env file in that folder.

New USE_HOST_DDS Configuration Variable

In previous MoveIt Studio versions, the existence of the following environment variables on the host would automatically be mounted into the MoveIt Studio Docker containers:

  • CYCLONEDDS_URI (for Cyclone DDS)

This would sometimes cause unintended changes to the MoveIt Studio DDS configuration.

Starting with version 2.7.0, you must specifically enable this option by using the ./moveit_studio configure utility or by manually setting USE_HOST_DDS=true in your .env file. Otherwise, MoveIt Studio will use default configurations as in previous releases.

MoveToJointState Behavior renamed to MoveToWaypoint

In version 2.7.0, the MoveToJointState Behavior has been renamed to MoveToWaypoint for clarity. This is because the input to this Behavior is the name of a Waypoint and not an actual joint state specification.

If you are upgrading your robot configuration packages from previous versions, ensure that you make this update in any Objectives that may use this Behavior.