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Version: 7

How To Add Breakpoints To Objectives

MoveIt Pro allows setting breakpoints wherever one wants to pause Objective execution. It allows users to investigate the internal state of the program during

Launch MoveIt Pro

We assume you have already installed MoveIt Pro to the default install location. Launch the application using:

moveit_pro run -c lab_sim

Adding Breakpoint to Objective

Add the behavior BreakpointSubscriber to your objective to add breakpoints. Here is an Objective with a breakpoint.

Objective with breakpoint

Resuming Objective Execution After Encountering Breakpoint

In the top right corner of the MoveIt Pro window, hit the Resume button to continue Objective execution after encountering a breakpoint.

Command Line Interface to Step Through Breakpoints

Open an interactive Bash session with the MoveIt Pro Agent Docker container:

moveit_pro shell

Enter the following command to continue Objective execution when an Objective is paused on a breakpoint behavior.

ros2 topic pub --once /moveit_pro_breakpoint std_msgs/msg/Bool "{data: true}"