MoveIt Pro Behavior
Core Behaviors for MoveIt Pro
graspable_object_utils.hpp File Reference
#include <Eigen/Geometry>
#include <geometry_msgs/msg/pose.hpp>
#include <moveit_studio_vision_msgs/msg/graspable_object.hpp>
#include <optional>
#include <tf2_eigen/tf2_eigen.hpp>
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std::optional< ObjectSubframe > moveit_studio::findSubframeInVector (const std::vector< ObjectSubframe > subframes, std::string_view target_subframe_id)
 Helper function to return a subframe corresponding to an input subframe ID. More...
std::optional< ObjectSubframe > moveit_studio::findSubframeInObject (const GraspableObject &obj, std::string_view target_subframe_id)
 Helper function to return a subframe corresponding to an input subframe ID in a GraspableObject if it is found. More...
std::optional< Pose > moveit_studio::findSubframePoseInObject (const GraspableObject &obj, std::string_view target_subframe_id)
 Helper function to return a subframe pose corresponding to an input subframe ID in a GraspableObject if it is found. More...
std::optional< std::size_t > moveit_studio::findSubframeIndexInObject (const GraspableObject &obj, std::string_view target_subframe_id)
 Helper function to return a subframe pose corresponding to an input subframe ID in a GraspableObject if it is found. More...